The female reproductive system consist of an ovaries, the oviduc,uterus and the external genitalia.A pair of ovaries lies within the body cavity of the female.Germ cells in ovary produce many oogonia which decided mitotically to form primary oocytes.These are in closed in the groups of follicle cells.The primary oocytes divides mitotically into haploid secondary oocytes and first polar body.second meiotic division in the oocytes proceed as far as metaphase but is not completed until the oocytes is fertilized by the sperm.In human in human only one ovume usually discharged from the ovary at one time,this phenomena is called ovulation.
The human female reproductive system ( vagina) |
The ovume is then transfferd to the oviduct generally called falopian tube or uterine tube open into uterus.The fertilization of ovume take place in the proximal part of the oviduct.The fertilized ovume enters the uterus where it is than implanted and undergoes further development. A placenta is place between the uterine and foetal tissues for the exchange of oxygen,carbon dioxide, wastes nutrients and other minerals.Uters open into vagina through varvex.Urethra and vagina have independent opening to the extercycle.
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: In female the production of eggs in cycle activity as compared to the male,in whom gamers production and release in continues process beganing at puberty and lasting through out the life.
In human female the periodic reproductive cycle is completed approximately 28 days and involves in the changes in the structure and function of whole reproductive system. It is called menstrual cycle and can be divided into four phases l.The events of the menstrual cycle involve the ovaries and the uterus and these are regulated by pituitary gonadotropins.
The ovarian and uterine cycles in human female |
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