Man reproductive system |
(Male reproductive system):
consist of genitalia which consist the pair of testes which lie outside the body,in the sac like scrotum and male copulatory organ which is used to transfer sperms into the female reproductive tract.Each testes consist of highly complex system called seminiferous tubules,in which repeated division by the cell of germinal epithileum produce spermatogonia.These increase in size and differentiate into primary spermatocytes which undergo meiotic division to form secondary spermatocytes and spermatids.Eventually the spermatids differentiate into mature sperms.Fluid secreated by cetrli cells provides liquid medium protection and nourishment to sperms while that are in tubules.The sperms are than transferred to main duct of male reproductive travt, the VA's deference which forms highly convoluted epididymis.The sperms than pass through the urinogential duct and are discharge out.Between the seminiferous tubules are interstial cells which secrete testerones.This hormones is essential for the successful production of sperms and also controls the development of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty.
Male reproductive system
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